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Movies in the FCP

     At the start of the flat classroom project, one of the first tasks given to the students on the ning, a facebook-like social media website, was to write a paragraph or to to describe their lives (such as the things they liked and how they acted) in order to encourage communication between the many students in the program. One of the categories included what kind of movies they liked, and the results were quite interesting.

     While one might expect a teenager-aged group of people to find movies of super-high popularity and recent release to be their favourite, many responses actually varied from that assumption. Some profiles showed the users favouring older movies such as Ghostbusters, Forrest Gump, and also the first two terminator movies. Of course, there have been some which stated their favourites to be recent and trending films, but the overall impression of the group of international students was not so.

      In the end, after reflecting on the handshake activities of the 12-2 FCP project group, not only in their tastes of films, but also their hobbies and other interests, it really seems that it really takes an engaging program such as the FCP to show how unique and different people of the same age-group can really be!

      In other news, the Academy Award nominees were announced for each category. This annual event, also known as the “Oscars”, is a award hosted every year in February. Not soon after the Golden Globe awards, the start of the new year is usually marked by the presence of prestigious award shows. The movies nominated for best picture include Amour, Argo, Beasts of the Southern Wild, Django Unchained, Les Misérables, Life of Pi, Lincoln, Silver Linings Playbook, and Zero Dark Thirty. As a hefty lineup full of great and deserving movies, this award show should definitely not be missed.

By Jerry Chen

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